If you’re looking for ways to win the battle of the bulge, you may have come across two different fat reduction methods: CoolSculpting and AirSculpt. These procedures are similar because they were both approved by the FDA as safe and effective ways to eliminate stubborn body fat permanently. But they’re also very different: CoolSculpting is a noninvasive method for fat reduction that has been around for more than a decade; and AirSculpt is minimally invasive and much newer to the scene. In this article we’ll explore CoolSculpting and AirSculpt, and, hopefully, by the end you’ll have a good idea of which will work for you to meet your personal needs.
Basics of CoolSculpting
CoolSculpting was approved by the FDA as a safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat. This fat removal method is noninvasive and nonsurgical, which means that it can be done in an outpatient setting and does not require the hefty downtime of surgical fat removal, like Liposuction.
CoolSculpting relies on the use of controlled cooling to destroy fat. At the same time a CoolSculpting procedure only kills unwanted fat cells, none of the other cells or tissues in the body are harmed during treatment. After the procedure, the frozen, destroyed fat cells are absorbed into the body and then leave over time naturally, through the body’s detoxification channels. The body’s lymphatic system is used to naturally excrete the destroyed fat.
CoolSculpting is known worldwide as a body sculpting treatment – and it’s very popular, having been around for more than 10 years.
Basics of AirSculpt
AirSculpt is also known as AirSculpt Liposuction. It is a patented body sculpting procedure that is considered to be minimally invasive. Like CoolSculpting, it permanently removes localized fat that has been deemed diet and exercise resistant, meaning the fat does not respond to healthy eating or exercise. The Airsculpt procedure is also able to tighten the skin. It works by plucking fat cells away and leaving the body more slim, toned and sculpted – all with minimal pain.
Minimally Invasive vs Surgical: What’s the difference?
AirSculpt is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that permanently removes fat. As you learned above, in this article we’re comparing AirSculpt to CoolSculpting, a noninvasive procedure that also permanently removes fat and slims the body. So, what’s the difference between minimally invasive and noninvasive? And how do minimally invasive and noninvasive procedures compare to traditional Liposuction, which is an invasive, surgical fat removal method?
First of all, let’s answer this question: what is minimally invasive? AirSculpt is a minimally invasive treatment that uses air pressure instead of a scalpel and surgical incision. The process behind AirSculpt begins when air pressure is used in tandem with patented spinning technology to gently remove fat through a tiny entry site. The site is said to be smaller than the eraser on the top of a pencil. In the end, once the wound heals, it does not leave a surgical scar or suture marks, because the entry wound is not stitched back together. Instead, the mark left is said to be similar to a natural skin blemish or a tiny freckle. In other words, minimally invasive is less invasive than surgery, but more invasive than a completely noninvasive fat reduction method.
CoolSculpting is one such method that is completely noninvasive and nonsurgical. It is done in an outpatient setting and patients can return to life as normal after the treatment. There are no scars associated with this treatment because it is completely noninvasive. That means there are no scalpels, incisions or anesthesia.
When compared to AirSculpt and CoolSculpting, Liposuction is a much more involved procedure. Liposuction requires surgery, therefore a surgeon is needed to perform the procedure. During Liposuction, the patient will undergo anesthesia. Then, a cannula is used to suck out the fat. Stitches will seal the wound afterwards, and scarring is a possibility. Liposuction is considered the gold standard when it comes to fat removal, but nonsurgical methods are just as effective at removing fat permanently. The biggest drawback of surgical fat removal is the time and risk associated.
CoolSculpting vs AirSculpt: What are the positives?
There are many positives to these procedures, let’s explore a few of the ones they have in common.
- No General Anesthesia is Required. CoolSculpting and AirSculpt are designed to be virtually pain free, therefore neither requires general anesthesia. This means the patient is awake throughout the treatment.
- Less Downtime and a Faster Recovery. Another excellent aspect of CoolSculpting and AirSculp, as noninvasive and minimally invasive procedures (respectively) is that they don’t require hefty post-procedure downtime. That means faster healing and less time spent getting better. While traditional liposuction can take months to heal, AirSculpt and CoolSculpting come without a long healing time. The best part is, results for both procedures can be seen in about a month.
- They remove fat permanently. Just like with Liposuction, these procedures remove fat permanently. Once the fat is gone, it’s gone forever and it doesn’t come back.
CoolSculpting vs AirSculpt: Overall
How do CoolSculpting and AirSculpt compare overall? Both of these methods are excellent at getting rid of stubborn fat. But CoolSculpting is noninvasive and nonsurgical, meaning it doesn’t have the risks associated with surgery, or the long recovery time. AirSculpt, on the other hand, is minimally invasive. CoolSculpting is also known worldwide and is very popular as it’s been available for more than ten years. AirSculpt is relatively new and not nearly as well known across the world. When it comes down to figuring out which method is better for you the best thing to do is contact a provider and ask them for their advice.
Why choose CoolSculpting?
We believe CoolSculpting is the way to go and that’s because at PeakBody, CoolSculpting is all we do. We believe in the technology we provide because we’ve seen the results first hand – and not only the results of our clients; so many of our technicians and staff members have personally undergone CoolSculpting procedures. We think this fact puts us in a unique position to offer advice and insight on a treatment we know in and out.
For many of our clients, the decision to CoolSculpt is the first decision they make toward a happier, healthier and more productive them. And we hope that you decide to take the CoolSculpting journey with us. At PeakBody, we go beyond being a “good” CoolSculpting center – we are great. We are the best at what we do. Our goal is to give you the body transformation you desire while at the same time pampering you and providing you with an unparalleled experience you’ll always remember.
Call us for a consultation and we’ll walk you through the steps of creating your personalized treatment plan. Every step of the way we’ll treat you with professionalism, care and respect – and we wouldn’t have it any other way. At PeakBody, we transform lives one fat cell at a time.