Coolsculpting Videos
What Is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is the world’s #1 non-invasive fat removal procedure. It is FDA-cleared, non-surgical and totally non-invasive. There is little to no downtime so you can get back to your daily activities right away. There are 100s of white papers written on CoolSculpting. As of 2019, the procedure has been done more than 8 million times and continues to gain momentum as it is safe, effective and allows you to contour, shape and sculpt your body in ways that diet and exercise have failed to do. Regardless if you are eating well and very active and looking for small changes to your body or just starting your journey and need a little motivation to get you going, CoolSculpting is ideal!
Be Awesome!
Why You Should Be Leary Of Providers Who Quote You Over The Phone?
CoolSculpting is NOT one size fits all.
Everybody is unique, your fat sits differently, you want different outcomes, and there are 9 different shapes and sizes of applicators. Calling an office and asking how much your abdomen treatment will cost is a reasonable question, but the answer could vary drastically depending on many factors, so coming in for a FREE consult is the ONLY way to ensure your a candidate, get your exact plan, and results mapped out, and your personal investment so you love your results.
Many offices are happy to quote you without seeing you, the problem with this is if you come in and do the treatment and they offered you a price that doesn’t match the treatment you need, you can be left with no outcome or a bad outcome!
This is not something Peak Body is willing to do. We are master certified technicians and at least 10 times a week people, who have gone to other providers come in, and the plan we map out for them is entirely different (and yes actually effective) than what another office told them.
Why? All we do is CoolSculpting, we guarantee results so we only build plans that are effective, and we’ve done over 23,000 treatments so you know you don’t have a newbie practicing on your body. CoolSculpting is an ART and can go wrong so be careful in your choice. Don’t you think a free consult is worth your time especially if it saves you from wasting money or moving forward with a provider who won’t leave you with a great outcome?
It’s your body and you deserve the BEST
Be Awesome!
How Does CoolSculpting Work?
How does CoolSculpting get rid of fat cells? With cold of course! The CoolSculpting machine will chill your fat cells to a certain temperature for a specific amount of time and your body will tell that fat cell to die. Luckily a fat cell is much more intolerant to cold than other cells in your body. No other cells, such as nerve, skin or muscle cells are damaged. After the treatment a 2 minute massage will damage the crystallized fat cells so the body can’t repair them. The dead fat cells will take 2-4 months to flush out of your body – about a french fry of fat a day flushes out! The skin is not negatively compromised and results are beautiful and lasting. Once the fat cell is gone it is gone for good and will not come back!
How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?
CoolSculpting cost will boil down to 3 main factors. What area needs treating? How large is that area? How much fat needs to be reduced? Bodies are unique and not one size fits all, therefore your CoolSculpting treatment plan will be unique to you. At Peak Body, we are open and transparent and understand that you may want to know a range so you don’t waste your time. We’ve treated people for $600 and others for $15,000, a huge range, we know! One thing we can tell you, regardless of the cost of your treatment, we guarantee your results. Our consultations are always complimentary and pressure free. They are just an opportunity to map out your custom treatment plan, show you before and after photos and discover if CoolSculpting is a good choice for you!
Is CoolSculpting Safe and Effective?
How Safe is CoolSculpting?
How Many Times Do I Have To Do CoolScultping?
I Am Fit, Will CoolSculpting Still Work For Me?
How Do I Know If CoolScultping Is Right For Me?
Does CoolSculpting Work On Both Men And Women?
Am I Going To Lose Weight With CoolScultping?
Am I Too Old For CoolScultping To Work For Me?
CoolSculpting Or LipoScution Which Is Right For Me?
CoolSculpting Results After Pregnancy
Are CoolSculpting Results Permanent?
Will CoolSculpting Work After Pregnancy and C Sections?
I’m Just Starting My Health Journey, Can I Do CoolSculpting?
Why Don’t All CoolSculpting Providers Guarantee A Result?
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